The club is a 'not for profit, voluntary organisation, re-formed in 2008 after disbanding in 1971. Up until this point, the club has been in existence in West Linton for some 43 years.

Our Mission

140 Academy Members, age 4-17

Club Overview - 10 Things you need to know…..

30 Fully Qualified SFA Coaches

Re-est in 2008, displaying year on year growth. despite three relocation, being temporarily ‘homeless’ & a global pandemic

Active members from West Linton, Romanno, Lamancha, Broughton, Tweedsmuir, Peebles, Penicuik, Edinburgh and beyond

Extensive social media following (Annual reach in excess of 100,000)

40+ Girls

50+ Local Business Partners

200+ Active Members - more than 10% of West Linton’s resident population

Senior Men’s Team — South of Scotland Cup Runner Up 2022

SFA Quality Mark Holder - Bronze